I'm home in Newfoundland now.
Too much food all the time. I can't move right now.
Awesome weather since I've been here too.
Time to lie down and get un-full...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Oink oink oink...
I ain't even down with this whole swine flu panic.
One of my co-teachers is going to Canada for a training course and she's totally worried about 돼지 프루 (um, pig flu).
So, I showed her this just to be an asshole about it.
Then she said "But it is a pandemic!!"
I can't find the link now but apparently the definition of pandemic used to include something like "...kills a shitload of people...", like a million or something, but now it doesn't..
Ah, found it...
I'm not sure if it's true (read the writers bio and seems he may know what he's talking about) but I don't care. I just wanted to make her stop freaking out about it and she did, at least to me.
One of my co-teachers is going to Canada for a training course and she's totally worried about 돼지 프루 (um, pig flu).
So, I showed her this just to be an asshole about it.
Media goes hog wild over swine flu: Millions die
June 18, 2009, 1:00 am · 0 comments
You cannot protect yourself from Media Flu simply by covering your mouth. You must also cover your eyes and ears.
You cannot protect yourself from Media Flu simply by covering your mouth. You must also cover your eyes and ears.
In the two months since the first case of swine flu popped up in Mexico on April 13, we’ve been inundated with media reports regarding our imminent demise.
They said we’re all going to get it. We’re all going to die. Borders were closed. People were quarantined. Trade was halted. We desperately need billions of dollars in research grants. We need a vaccine to keep us from going the way of the dinosaurs. It’s the greatest health disaster since 20,000,000 people died of the Spanish Flu of 1918. Oh, the humanity.
Let’s get back to reality now. Do you know how many people have actually died of swine flu worldwide in the last two months (according to the World Health Organization)?
A. 1,440,000
B. 144,000
C. 14,400
D. 1440
E. 144
ANSWER: If you chose E, you are correct. A grand total of just 144 people have died of Swine Flu worldwide. In contrast, WHO says the three main strains of flu cause somewhere between 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year globally. That’s somewhere between 685 and 1370 per day.
Obviously, it’s much easier to fall victim to Media Flu than Swine Flu. But Swine Flu is easier to cure and much less deadly.
Then she said "But it is a pandemic!!"
I can't find the link now but apparently the definition of pandemic used to include something like "...kills a shitload of people...", like a million or something, but now it doesn't..
Ah, found it...
The WHO Finally Gets Its Pandemic!
By Michael Fumento
For the last several years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been claiming another flu pandemic is a "when not an if." Of course, it was talking about avian flu. But avian flu refused to comply, for reasons I've given in numerous articles beginning in 2005. So now they've seized upon swine flu to declare their pandemic.
Never mind that the mildest pandemic of the 20th century killed at least a million people worldwide and so far swine flu has killed far fewer people since it began in early April than die each day from old-fashioned seasonal flu. (144 total swine flu deaths compared to 685-1,370 daily seasonal flu deaths).
Further, in the country where the outbreak began, Mexico, swine flu peaked way back in late April. The worldwide crest can't be far behind.
So how could the WHO do it? Simple. In 2005 it rewrote the definition of "influenza pandemic," which formerly required "enormous numbers of deaths and illness." Under its new definition, a handful of cases and zero deaths can nonetheless constitute a "pandemic." And that's pretty much what we've seen. The term "influenza pandemic" has simply lost any truly useful meaning.
Thanks, WHO, for putting politics and self-interest above the interests of public health.
June 11, 2009 01:26 PM ·
http://www.fumento.com/weblog/archives/ ... nally.html
I'm not sure if it's true (read the writers bio and seems he may know what he's talking about) but I don't care. I just wanted to make her stop freaking out about it and she did, at least to me.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Watch this video. The last 10 seconds are amazing. Stupid hippies...
Here's another hippie video. This is what hippies are supposed to be like...
Here's another hippie video. This is what hippies are supposed to be like...
Saturday, April 04, 2009
What are you looking for there, buddy...

I was on the subway heading to work as usual. I reached in my pocket to grab my mp3 player and change the song but the player slipped out of my hand.
It fell into some ladies bag that was on the floor. She was sleeping.
She was sitting and I was standing so I had to bend down and start going through her bag. My mp3 player is tiny (as seen above... please note I don't wear it on my neck because it is not a fashion accessory) so it wasn't easy to find. Everyone on the train was staring at me probably thinking I was tryna steal something out of her bag because foreigners are evil.
So, after a minute of picking through her shit I found it, held it up in the air for everyone to see, then walked to the next car, which probably made me look even guiltier of stealing her shit.
Maybe that will be my new thing. Dropping my mp3 in someones bag, only if they are sleeping, and then seeing what other shit they have in there that I can steal.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Boracay b'y...
I'm super slack writing here. So don't even know if anyone still checks this out, and well, not that concerned about it anyway.
I went to Boracay in January. It's an island in the Philippines that is pretty much paradise. Amazing beach, clear sea, coral reefs, cock fights, cheap rum...
I went with Matt, and we met Lana and Sam there, along with about 10 people from their school. So we had a good crew of East Coast Canadians, and an even better little crew of Newfs.
The only problem was Matt wouldn't stop greasing up his chest and it was kinda embarrassing for the rest of us...
So, what did I do there... Let me think.
Sat on the beach, day and night.

Ate lots of great burgers from a place called jammers.
Had some Chinese kid try to bury my sandals.
Drank a beer or two.
Didn't fuck around because there are security guys everywhere and they are serious.
Swam in the ocean.
Saw Bliss Jeffreys.
Got a retarded sunburn. Maybe one of the worst in the history of mankind.
Went on an afternoon bachelor party boat ride and drank and went scuba diving and visited another island with monkeys that a friend gave beer to and the monkey drank it and got angry when it was gone and threw the bottle back at us.
Went scuba diving for the first, and maybe last, time.
Saw lots of really funny beach kids.
Saw the future Wu-Tang Clan of the Philippines.

Went to the Witch Cafe on the end "other side" of the island. No one was there besides us and it was kinda cool. Some kids lead us there. The oldest kid was smooth. His little sister kept whispering "Ask for money" but he knew how to play his cards. I told him I could hear her and he said "Sir, you have very good ears." We gave them some money.
Watched some cock fights. Intense. The chicken fights weren't as intense as the people betting and yelling and making weird hand signals and throwing money around.
And then I came back to Seoul and went to work 8 hours after I got off the airplane...
I went to Boracay in January. It's an island in the Philippines that is pretty much paradise. Amazing beach, clear sea, coral reefs, cock fights, cheap rum...
I went with Matt, and we met Lana and Sam there, along with about 10 people from their school. So we had a good crew of East Coast Canadians, and an even better little crew of Newfs.
The only problem was Matt wouldn't stop greasing up his chest and it was kinda embarrassing for the rest of us...

Sat on the beach, day and night.
Ate lots of great burgers from a place called jammers.
Had some Chinese kid try to bury my sandals.
Didn't fuck around because there are security guys everywhere and they are serious.
Saw Bliss Jeffreys.
Went on an afternoon bachelor party boat ride and drank and went scuba diving and visited another island with monkeys that a friend gave beer to and the monkey drank it and got angry when it was gone and threw the bottle back at us.
Saw lots of really funny beach kids.
Went to the Witch Cafe on the end "other side" of the island. No one was there besides us and it was kinda cool. Some kids lead us there. The oldest kid was smooth. His little sister kept whispering "Ask for money" but he knew how to play his cards. I told him I could hear her and he said "Sir, you have very good ears." We gave them some money.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Here is an article from the English newspaper here in Korea.
The title is "Koreans don't rule out violence." Quite the awesome title.
The first line states "More than three out of every 10 Koreans regard violence as a more effective solution to problems than the law."
Maybe they think this because the Korean police are a joke. The culture of Korea is all about respecting your elders, so if the cop is younger than the offender, the offender doesn't feel he has to follow the police's orders.
But, that is not the point. There are some really crazy stats in the article.
"Most of the respondents (88 percent) had gone through physical punishment when growing up, and 50 percent had experienced beatings for no specific reason."
"Among those beaten for no reason during childhood, 69.1 percent said that their parents were violent toward each other."
Fifty percent were beaten for no reason? Um, seems a little high to me. Isn't that half!
There ain't much I can really say about this. I'd like to ask some Koreans if those numbers seem right, but dunno if I wanna go asking my friends or co-workers "Did you get beat up at home for no reason?"
If I do ask about it, I'll add what they say here.
Peace and Love.
The title is "Koreans don't rule out violence." Quite the awesome title.
The first line states "More than three out of every 10 Koreans regard violence as a more effective solution to problems than the law."
Maybe they think this because the Korean police are a joke. The culture of Korea is all about respecting your elders, so if the cop is younger than the offender, the offender doesn't feel he has to follow the police's orders.
But, that is not the point. There are some really crazy stats in the article.
"Most of the respondents (88 percent) had gone through physical punishment when growing up, and 50 percent had experienced beatings for no specific reason."
"Among those beaten for no reason during childhood, 69.1 percent said that their parents were violent toward each other."
Fifty percent were beaten for no reason? Um, seems a little high to me. Isn't that half!
There ain't much I can really say about this. I'd like to ask some Koreans if those numbers seem right, but dunno if I wanna go asking my friends or co-workers "Did you get beat up at home for no reason?"
If I do ask about it, I'll add what they say here.
Peace and Love.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Top gun...
Back from Shanghai.
Crazy tower, blimp with giant TV screen, TV boat...
Gonna post some pics on facebook soon.
Old Town... The harmonica: The instrument of choice for the Chinese youth.
We also went to Xitang. Tom Cruise was there not so long ago.
The nice, touristy area of Xitang. The old guys cell phone is better than mine...
It's a small canal town outside of Shanghai that has turned into a tourist destination. An old Japanese man I met at the bus station put it best. "It's basically a kilometer of souveneir shops." He was kind of right. Way too many shops selling the same junk, but once you get off the beaten path, it's worth the trip.
The town is well maintained because of the number of tourists that pass through, but outside of the main area of the canal town is the real canal town. Much more rundown and much less vibrant. We also left the canal town and went throught the regular town adjacent to the canal town. Again, this felt like real China.
"Real China"
But Xitang keeps it the reallest. Site of a Tom Cruise running scene in Mission Impossible:III, this place gets big props from me.
And walking the same streets as Tom Cruise was definitely the highlight of the trip.
If not the highlight of my life...
Gonna post some pics on facebook soon.
It is a cool city because it's so new and modern, but so old as well. Beijing is the same, but the contrast between the old and new is much more pronounced in Shanghai.
The new is much flashier and exagerated. Pudong, the new built up business district, is kind of a crazy place. It's the new, built up part of the city that is trying to compete with Hong Kong's skyline. Although interesting, there are just a few too many tacky buildings, and the flat landscape can't really compete with the big hill/small mountain that the Hong Kong skyline is built upon.
Pudong skyline from our river boat tour.
But back to Shanghai and Beijing. I guess the older places are similar. I feel like I explored Shanghai more thoroughly because I was there about twice as long. And Matt and I were much more into checking out different parts of the city than shopping.
Beijing has the old Hutongs (sp?) but we didn't really see a lot of the older, more genuine Hutongs. Many are kind of refurbished for tourists, but in Shanghai we went to Old Town and although some of that area has been converted into a tourist shopping zone, we also spent a full afternoon cruising the back alleys.
Those small back streets made me feel like I was in China and not just any major city in any country. There is so much life and energy there and it's a shame that the whole area will likely be swallowed up by towering apartment buildings.
A shame for me anyway, but I'm curious how the people who live there feel? They'd probably prefer to move into a nice, new apartment building with their own bathrooms and sink, etc. But who really knows besides them.
It's a small canal town outside of Shanghai that has turned into a tourist destination. An old Japanese man I met at the bus station put it best. "It's basically a kilometer of souveneir shops." He was kind of right. Way too many shops selling the same junk, but once you get off the beaten path, it's worth the trip.
The town is well maintained because of the number of tourists that pass through, but outside of the main area of the canal town is the real canal town. Much more rundown and much less vibrant. We also left the canal town and went throught the regular town adjacent to the canal town. Again, this felt like real China.
I'm not even sure what I mean by saying "real China" but it's just the feeling I had. Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong are not representative of the average Chinese lifestyle. Outside of the three richest, most powerful cities people have a different standard of living and it was interesting to see that.
It's not total poverty or anything resembling that. It's just more rugged and tough than the major cities. Even Beijing is much tougher than Shanghai and Hong Kong.But Xitang keeps it the reallest. Site of a Tom Cruise running scene in Mission Impossible:III, this place gets big props from me.
And walking the same streets as Tom Cruise was definitely the highlight of the trip.
If not the highlight of my life...
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