I went to Boracay in January. It's an island in the Philippines that is pretty much paradise. Amazing beach, clear sea, coral reefs, cock fights, cheap rum...
I went with Matt, and we met Lana and Sam there, along with about 10 people from their school. So we had a good crew of East Coast Canadians, and an even better little crew of Newfs.
The only problem was Matt wouldn't stop greasing up his chest and it was kinda embarrassing for the rest of us...

Sat on the beach, day and night.
Ate lots of great burgers from a place called jammers.
Had some Chinese kid try to bury my sandals.
Didn't fuck around because there are security guys everywhere and they are serious.
Saw Bliss Jeffreys.
Went on an afternoon bachelor party boat ride and drank and went scuba diving and visited another island with monkeys that a friend gave beer to and the monkey drank it and got angry when it was gone and threw the bottle back at us.
Saw lots of really funny beach kids.
Went to the Witch Cafe on the end "other side" of the island. No one was there besides us and it was kinda cool. Some kids lead us there. The oldest kid was smooth. His little sister kept whispering "Ask for money" but he knew how to play his cards. I told him I could hear her and he said "Sir, you have very good ears." We gave them some money.