Friday, June 01, 2007


On our way back from North Korea we had many rest stops. Rest stops must be a part of the culture here or something. It seemed like we were stopping every hour and it was kind of annoying because every time we stopped I would wake up.

Yes, those things are what they look to be . Giant wooden cock sculptures. (I gotta say for copyright purposes that I never took this photo, one of my friends did)

To me, this just seems absolutely ridiculous. In the middle of this restaurant/convenience store is a family of humongo members.

Apparently it has something to do with fishing culture and this isn't all that uncommon in places by the sea.

I think Newfoundland should pick up on this cultural phenomenon, if not only for a few good laughs.

1 comment:

Danny Warbucks said...

I like the use of the rolled back wooden foreskin as an apt portrayal of positive social commentary.
