I already said this (I think) but now anyone can leave comments... Just make sure you put your name in the message so I know who you are...
They don't even have to be comments... Just tell me a story or something... Whether you're in Fort Mac making too much money or not making enough money or being a hippy picking berries somewhere in BC... Tell me what you had for lunch... Tell me if your underwear matches your outfit (I bet it does)... Tell me what's going on in the world of professional sports... Tell me you just wrecked your car...
It don't matter...
Look, here's what I had for supper...

Here's a picture of the street/alley I walk through each day to and from school...

ok, so i'll be the first to leave a comment. I've been reading your blog, it's really funny. I actually sent it to a friend of mine who is also thinking about coming over, and she loves it as well. I'll be in Korea in about 2 weeks. Joanne.
funny enough, jason spratt was staying with us this past week. him and my roommates all went to see opeth, lamb of god, arch enemy, and megadeth last night. I would've went but I'm broke as a joke. I've been really busy making some of the best art I've ever made. we're having the cute girls downstairs in for a potluck on sunday. not much else. I can't find job. montreal is an awesome city, except it's quite hard to find a job if you don't speak that other national language of ours. anyway, I'll write you soemthing more substantial sometime soon...
btw, email me your address...I'll send you out a care package. some kd and art.
Hey hey Richard,
Caught wind of your site here and had to check it out.... believe it or not news travels fast even out of Deer Lake. In honor of your travels I had Korean take out today for lunch. A big heaping dish of belgogi with 2 mandu's. Works for me. Definatly have to "stray" away from the kelgogi. Anyhow enjoy and keep entertaining us! Oh btw this is Bart!
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