Saturday, September 30, 2006

Something to think about...

Here in Korea every male has to do two years of mandatory military service. I was just informed last night that a part of this involves getting your black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

That means that every single Korean man has a black belt!

That's insane when you think about it. If I had a black belt in anything I'd be kicking ass all over the place all the time. But it must suck being Korean because your black belt means nothing. You can't just go up to a guy and be like "Stop messing around buddy because I have a black belt and I'll karate chop your ass in two."

He'll just look coldly into your eyes and say "Yeah, well that black belt don't mean shit because I also have a black belt, my good friend."

Its kind of like the cold war where neither side really wants to strike first because they know there's a great possibility that they will suffer equal harm. And just imagine if a full-fledged bar brawl broke out! It'd be just like a Kung-fu flick with Koreans flying through the air and shooting fire balls at each other until the toughest, most skilled dude has everyone beat.

I'm not the type of guy who starts fights, or even gets into fights, but I'm gonna play it ultra-safe here because I don't want my head gettin' karate chopped in half by some little Korean guy who says "Stop messing around buddy because I have a black belt and I'll karate chop your ass in two."

My only shot is that the guy is drinking like a typical Korean and is so plastered that his black belt has been soaked down to a yellow belt.

Then I could probably take him, or at least out run him.

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