Yesterday I observed an after school English lesson that an American does three times a week. The students are from grades one to three. One of my co-teachers observed with me and after the lesson we talked about his methods. She was very impressed with my observations and how I said I would have improved the lesson. We had just about all of the same things in our notes.
She has the best English in the school (behind me) and after our critique she told me she has a Masters Degree in English as a second language. She must know her stuff. I felt even better about her positive comments after she told me this.
Today I had a chance to observe a few English classes in grade four and five. They were taught by the teachers I will be working with. The kids were well behaved and just about all of them answered the questions they were asked. It's the grade sixes that are supposed to be trouble.
I feel like a celebrity at my school. Wherever I go there are kids running up to me saying hello and asking me my name. I usually respond by saying "Hello, how are you?" Then I get the robotic response that I was told I would get from otehr English teachers who have been here a while. "I'm fine thank you and how are you?" I don't know if the kids understand what they are saying but just about all of them can give that response. It's quite funny.
I'm also starting to get a bit of an ego.
Well, not really.
Just about every teacher inthe school has told me I'm handsome, even the male teachers. The kids have all told me the same thing. I say thank you and then the kids start busting out laughing. A few of the grade six girls have even asked me if I have a girlfriend. When I say no they all start to giggle and get embarressed.
One big difference from the schools back home is that the kids clean up the place. They mop the floors, wipe off the tables, and clean up in the staff room. I think this is a great idea because I'm sure it prevents the students from making a mess because they know they'll just have to clean it up.
I got to leave school early today with one of my co-teachers. We went to the immigration office so I could get my Alien Resident Card. I need this I.D. in order to get a cell phone and internet at my apartment. It will be ready on the 12th. Then I can stop wasting my money here at the PC Bang.
There were a few other teachers getting their cards and everyone seems to be satisfied with their school and lodging. One of the middle school teachers has to buy the text that he has to teach which seems rather cheap to me.
My school has been great to me. Yesterday I they had a couch delivered to my apartment and today a microwave. Tomorrow I'm gonna request a coffee table and a few other things. I'm sure I'll get. it

He kind of reminds me of Elvis.
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