Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Saw the Nine Inch Nails concert last night. It was so much better than I thought it would be. I'm even going to go as far as saying it was better then seeing Slayer. I thought no concert would top that, but this did.

They played a wide selection of songs and the show lasted for a little over two hours. The venue was small, I guess holding about 2500 people, but it wasn't nearly sold out. We had seats but we were free to roam which we did. When the light and screens show started getting cool we moved to some seats in the middle so we could take in the effects from a central vantage point. It was pretty awesome.

So awesome, in fact, that I'm gonna post some clips below so anyone who missed it can be really jealous...

The last video I have posted, Eraser, had the coolest effects live but it's the worst video of the three.



it's kinda like when I saw tool...didn't think I was going to enjoy it that much, but it was probably the coolest show I've ever seen.

check this out...lots of ryder hate in newfoundland, apparently....

Jon said...

I can't believe I missed this concert. I don't think it's in my destiny to ever see them live.